All City Arts College provides a curriculum that strives to challenge, stimulate and enable young people to work towards meaningful accreditation and access further education and employment opportunities. We believe that learning can – and should be – enjoyable.

Our curriculum is designed to support progression from our pre-16 cohort into our post-16 cohort, then beyond into further education, training and employment.

All areas of our curriculum have the potential for accreditation, and we offer:

The curriculum of All City Arts College has three distinctive layers:

Students of All City Arts College will develop their own bespoke learning experience, choosing one subject area to major in and one or two other subject areas to work on. In addition, every student will study the mandatory Level 2 English & Maths and follow a life skills curriculum called Selfology.

We believe passionately that learning can – and should be – enjoyable, particularly for those who have been alienated by ‘traditional’ and ‘mainstream’ statutory education. Our curriculum ensures that young people are able to work towards meaningful accreditation that will enable them to access these industries, as well as other post-19 options in accordance with their aspirations.

We provide a holistic project-based creative curriculum that strives to challenge, stimulate and enable young people to progress to further education and fulfilling employment.

Our curriculum is varied and innovative, giving equal status to all art forms. We pay particular attention to non-western art forms and start with areas of study that young people connect with such as popular music, street dance, TV production, gaming, comics, pottery, woodwork, photography and fashion.

In a creative curriculum the students bring as much to the session as the teacher by contributing their own ideas, personal experiences and knowledge. They get to exercise their agency over how and what they learn, and much of the curriculum will be co-created with the students.

Facilitated by the tutor’s management of the creative process and teaching of specific skills and techniques, students of All City Arts College will engage in creative activities that foster transferable skills such as communication, taking initiative, problem-solving, oracy teamwork and confidence.
